Birth delivery method
Normal or c sect? Why? #1stimemom #advicepls

Normal is better for low risk and no complications pregnancy as your recovery will be faster. However if you plan to take epidural, do read the consent letter from hospital, it will listed down all the side effects. Few that I know is temporary and permanent nerve damages (in Singapore this risk is very small, if I’m not wrong only happened to 0.1% or even 0.05% patients). However, these days getting into normal labour without epidural is a very brave decision. For first time mother, labour could last very long until 22 hrs++. If compare with spinal anaesthesia (for csec), it has better side effect, at least no permanent nerve damage. To me, both has pros and cons and in some conditions csec will be safer than normal for both mom and baby (usually if your pregnancy is high risk), but recovery is slower compare to normal. If you must go for csec, fret not, you can shop for good gynae who is famous for doing a good job hairline bikini cut. This type of incision would make your daily life easier after discharge, lesser pain and faster recovery when compare to other csec cut.
Read moreNormal is better as it recovers faster than C sec. I delivered to my baby boy on 1st September and within a week i recovered already
mine c sec, baby didn't engage in right position at 36 weeks had contraction since 34 weeks
natural but be mentally prepared that you might end up in emergency c sec
Normal definitely! I can walk alr less den a day after birth.
Wanted normal but ended up csect. Bb was in breech position.
Normal. Faster recovery. The human body is amazing
Normal. Recover fast than c-sect :)