Pimple on 3 week old newborn
Hi my newborn has these rash/pimple/acne breakout on her cheeks and chin. Is it anything serious? It has been 4 days and doesn't seem to get better. Any advise would be appreciated. Thank you. #1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls #pleasehelp

hello. for my baby, on some days she’ll have these too. we just left it alone and the next days it’s gone. since it has been there for days, it’s always good to consult PD if there are any baby friendly medication to apply. i don’t think it’s something to worry about but more of how to get rid or lessen it. you can also read up on this: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/baby-acne/symptoms-causes/syc-20369880
Read moreMy baby had this when he was about 3 to 4 weeks old too. Then my grandma told me to apply breastmilk on the affected areas because it can help to heal up faster. I did and I think this is one of the safest way to do apart from applying cream? It was gone in days and now he doesn’t have such issue anymore. Or maybe he just outgrown it, not sure haha
Read moreThese are usually from breastfeeding... Sometimes our milk rubs against their faces and the only routine to avoid this is to always wipe their face with a wet baby napkin. No soap. Just dab gently clean the areas. It will go away.. Usually happens first few mths..
my baby also have them at 3weeks old. they wont go away immediately. mine took a few weeks to purge. no worries they will be gone within a month. i didn’t apply anything on them. just used warm boiled water to clean her face in the morning and night.
My baby have these rashes too and we just use cotton balls and warm water to clean around the affected areas and its gone in a few days. For my baby’s case, the rashes will appear when the water we used to bathe him is too hot.
are the acne gone by now? my LO is having the exact same issue now too and it has been a few days, applied breast milk and Mustela Cicastela but still the same. how long does it take for the acne to go away?
hi mummy! might be baby acne. it will go away on its own, though it will take some time. just wipe your baby's face with clean damp cloth after feeding. take care!
Do not prick anything or apply other allopathic ointments as baby skin is too sensitive. Just apply breast milk and it should be fine. It works wonders
It’s normal, my baby got it since she’s born and it went off completely when she’s about 6 weeks old..
thank you all mommies and daddies for the advise!!
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