Nuh or KKH gynae queries

Hi mums, just looking for feedback on these doctors. My consideration for gynae are: - someone who is patient when we ask questions. I'm FTM, bedside manners would really be important - someone who can give HL leaves when requested/necessary - respects birth plan (eg delayed cord clamping, skin to skin etc) - pro-natural (I am 35 this year and would fall under geriatric mum) - since I'm FTM, I also have alot of anxiety around labour and pregnancy. I'm looking for someone who has calming influence during labour. The gynaes I have in mind are: KKH - Dr Manisha Mathur KKH - Dr Lee Jia Min NUH - Prof Arijit Biswas NUH - Dr Vanaja Care is equally important to me. Been reading that NUH is much better than KKH in that, however there are also some who have said that KKH private is good. Confused at this point. 😵‍💫 Could mums who've had positive experience in KKH private share their experiences pls. I'm currently in subsidy route in KKH (7 weeks preggy) and honestly cannot decide whether KKH private would be better or NUH private. The difference in distance of both hospitals from my home is negligible ( less than 10 mins) Appreciate any advise. Thanks in advance. 🙏🙏

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