Mums, I just found out I m pregnant again - and I am not ready for the second one. I am thinking of an abortion. Any advice for me? What is the abortion process like?

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Your killing a innocent baby God gave you as a blessing to have. Think about those out their who wants to have kids but they can't.

6y ago

Totally agree... and the people that want children and have lost them 😔

hey mom's dont do it. every child given is a treasure. many people want a child but cannot but you can.

Please don’t do it!! It’s a blessing from God! I know He gave you that baby because God knows you can be a great mother! ❤️

If your thinking of that then why be on a sight like this... i dont understand. We dont need to be reading s*** like that.

5y ago

OP is seeking advice, if you have nothing nice or constructive to add then why bother? No woman wishes to abort given the choice, so instead of judging anonymously how about supporting.

Compare your reasons for not being ready with that of the baby needing to be part of your home soonest....that might help you decide right.

Please don’t, I believe that every Baby is a blessing and a gift from God. He wouldn’t give it to you if you’re not ready.

you should have gotten on birth control! or not have sex. that simple.

Please dun kill a life. Some ppl like my friend tried 10 years oso cant have bb... Is v sad tp take a life away

No don't do abortion,keep the baby,a baby is a blessing from god

Super Mum

Why didn't you use birth control in the first place? Please don't kill an innocent life..

5y ago

I agree, there's ways to protect from unwanted pregnancies, birth control and condoms do wonders! Not to be rude but it's her fault she's in this situation, I'm 8 months pregnant and my doctor is already asking about my plans after birth. Birth control it is