Twins during new born stage
Hi Mummy of twins, just wondering how you guys cope with handling 2 babies at 1 go? Especially during confinement stage. Did you guys engage helper ?

Handling twins during the newborn stage can definitely be a handful, but it's also incredibly rewarding. During the confinement stage, having extra help can be a real lifesaver. Yes, we did engage a helper, and it made a world of difference. Firstly, establishing a routine helped tremendously. Syncing their feeding and sleeping schedules as much as possible helped to create some predictability in our day. This way, we could plan our rest times and chores around their needs. Secondly, investing in tools and products that make life easier is key. Things like a good double stroller for outings, a comfortable nursing pillow for feeding both babies simultaneously, and a reliable breast pump for when I needed a break were absolute lifesavers. Having a supportive partner or family member is invaluable too. Sharing responsibilities and taking turns with feeds, diaper changes, and soothing can lighten the load and ensure that both parents get some much-needed rest. Lastly, don't hesitate to reach out for support. Whether it's from fellow twin parents, online communities, or local support groups, sharing experiences and tips can provide much-needed encouragement and advice. Remember, every day with twins is a learning experience, and it's okay to ask for help when you need it. You're doing an amazing job, mama! Mama's Choice $18 voucher 👉🏻