4 Replies

I had anemia for all 3 of my pregnancy. the worse one was when i'm pregnant with my second. i frequently have cold sweats and feel like fainting. iron medications given by gynae doesn't help at all. even eating high-iron food doesn't do anything. plus, my baby was in a breech position. higher risk of going into e-csect and losing alot of blood. (blood that i don't have enough to begin with). but everything went smoothly, Alhamdulilah. i delivered my girl via normal delivery. Currently 9 months pregnant with my third. just waiting for baby to give me the signal and praying that no complication arises. 😖 please don't think too much about it ok? you're only putting yourself and baby in a stressful situation. trust yourself and trust your body, dear mummy.

Insyallah semoga dipermudakan kita berdua ❤️🙏 thankyou for ur advice ! :) i appreacite it 🫶

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i have anemia too. and iron supplement doesnt seem to improve my condition. and im taking aspirin as well. but i still opt for csec. my gynae did not mention any risk. currently im 35 weeks. have faith in ur gynae!

Yes i think iron supplement doesnt work for me , no improvement as currently im taking iron deficiency . But since ur gynae did not mention any risk then i feel so much better not to overthinking about it . Just that this is my first time to give birth not sure to take csect or normal delivery . Anyway thankyou for ur reply!

try ajwa dates 😊 so much benefits, low gi, high in iron.

it helps with labour too. hopefully you wont need c sect.

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