Sex after having a baby

Hi Mummies, I had my baby boy 4 months back. I am a first time mum and ever since the baby is born, all me and my husband can do is take care of baby and the sleepless nights. It all gets so tiring that we never think about sex. Every time we have a free window, we just want to take rest as night time sleep is not great with baby. How do you all manage to still have sex drive with a baby ? I feel like we are always so tired that sex is the last thing on our minds. We both love each other so so much but don’t have energy these days for sex. Does this get better with time ? #advicepls #firsttimemom

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My husband and i had sex when baby was 4 months old. He's 8 months now and that's the only time we had sex.🤣 But we do have intimate moments here and there where we do light sexual things. Take your time ok. It does get better once your baby sleep throughout the night, can play on his/her own, have his/her fixed routine.❤️

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2y ago

Thanks for the reply babe. I think we just need to be a bit patient plus well rested too. If you are tired you obviously can’t think of being intimate