Birth position in KKH and NUH

To mummies who gave birth at KKH and/or NUH, could you share your experience on what birth positions they allow? Does the hospital allow you to bring yoga ball or move around the room before the actual pushing? If they do allow, at what cm dilation do they insist you to be on bed? And once on bed, is it a must to be on your back? I'm first time mum and watch a lot of vids where women get to move around. I wish I can do that too to fasten the labour. But I do know they strap the baby heart rate monitor on you (not sure at what cm dilation), so that may restrict movement? Appreciate all advice and insights. Im currently on subsidy route and will be moving to my preferred gynae in a month's time. Thank you! #advicepls #FTM #firsttimemom #firstbaby

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Give birth at NUH/KKH both we trap to bed no moving about. But if you have gynae, you can speak with him/her to let them know your choices of birth, how you want it to be done like yoga ball, walking around etc. I do know of someone that took gynae, go through birth at NUH and has her choice of birth method and how the planning of her birth gonna be like. She specifically mentioned not to be strap, she kneel down to have a better control breathing method and she give birth on all four position.

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2y ago

But she specifically speak eith her gynae on what she's expecting through this birth process and how she wants it.

i gave birth at NUH and was induced too. however, i wasnt asked to lay down for 2 hrs with baby monitoring. once they insert the induce medicine, they will wheel me back to my ward and ask me to try to keep walking around the ward and do squatting exercise. a few hours later they will wheel me to the other ward to check for dilation and the cycle repeats til my waterbag burst and I was 3cm dilated. that was when I was asked to lay on bed , no moving around and with baby monitor strapped

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I delivered twice in KKH, & first delivery I asked the midwives if I must be on my back during delivery, can be on fours? (I too watched videos & told on fours easier.) the answer was big fat No... & I was strapped in by the baby heart monitor from the start... So I duno is it cos its public hospital or the midwives just afraid something happened cos they not familiar... I wen maternity tours at private hospitals & they seemed more open to water births & some even provide exercise balls...

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2y ago

oh no.. this is what I'm scared. im not sure how to be on back for hours since labour can be so long. 😑🔫 May I check if you were private patient or subsidy?

Haven't given birth but am working in KKH. I do know I'll be strapped with the monitor to monitor baby's heart rate. They are more restricted to letting you be on the bed to push though it is not the ideal position. NUH has water birth and I believe they are more open with ways to help shorten labour process such as the yoga ball~

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Hi I gave birth at NUH but was asked to induce. Once on induce medicine , u will need be laying down for at least 2 hours with the baby monitoring. So u can’t move around. After that if didn’t dilute for delivery then you can go back to ward which you can move around.

i recently changed from subsides to private for KKH cause I want to choose a specific doc. i asked the doc, KKH doesn't support being on all fours for delivery as they do not have the equipment to monitor the foetus. but my doc is ok for side lying delivery.

2y ago

hello may I check which gynae is this pls?

thanks for all the questions! I never thought of these options. I am going to give birth at KKH and will ask my gynae at the next appointment. will share here with you if I get any conclusive answers

2y ago

hi please let me know what your gynae advise you on next visit. if he/she allows other options other than completely lying on back, pls do let me know the gynae name pls.
