To give up during pregnancy

Hi mummies to be, just was thinking to myself, sometimes the pain, the nausueus feeling, headaches that i am gg thru takes toll and nakes me think to give up on the pregnancy..but again want to see the tiny little one soon n enduring all of wat i m gg thru...anyone went thru all this n tot of giving up?

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I am going through the same feeling as you throughout the whole pregnancy. I want to give it up so badly. I hated pregnancy, all the pain and stuff is taking a toll on me but just looking at how patient and caring my hubby is, attending to me. I feel everything is worthwhile, I am willing to tolerate all this s*** just to give birth to his and my baby. Hang in there, I hope and believe all these will be worthwhile when you get to hug the little one. ❤️💕❤️

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