#am i pregnant?
hi mummies. just wanna ask , cause im using this kind of preg test. and im not rlly sure how to know if im pregnant or not. cause the photos says like that. so am i pregnant or not mummies ? #amIpregnant

I used a similar one too. Just to double confirm I used the clear blue kit later. Btw just saying I have also used the ovulation stick and that looked exactly like yours in the pic. My pregnancy stick looked as attached. Please double check you checked on pregnancy stick and not ovulation stick. All the best 😊
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if you aren't ovulating now, I'd say you can try using a hpt, "pregnancy test" to cfm pregnancy as what you're using is an "ovulation test"and the result is a positive becoz ovulation test does pick up hcg if its high enough too.
You can try testing again the next day. Remember to test it on your first urine. Best is in the morning. But as long as there’s 2 lines (faint line or dark line), you’re preg :)
Obvious dark lines so yes, you're pregnant! But always best to try with 2-3 diff kits to confirm (not with the same urine).
Pink one is for ovulation isn't it? Can get a digital clearblue pregnancy test kit to test.
This was my ovulation stick. To me looks exactly like the one you posted.

Isn’t this ovulation test? Ovulation test will always have a second line..
Yup that’s right. But also if your hcg level is high enough, it can also turn the ovulation test positive. Best to double confirm with a pregnancy test. ☺️
Best to get pregnancy test kit. Clear blue digital is good.
Yes you are!! congratulations 👏
I thought this one is ovulation test ?

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