Breastfeeding struggles with engorged/clog

Any mummies struggling with breastfeeding? Am 21 PP FTM, am on/off getting clog/engorged, and everytime I didn't managed to clear it off myself. Seems like I am just not good with it. Sometimes it just got uncomfortable/sore or pain that I don't even feel like touching it anymore. Recently I have gotten a stubborn patch of clog, that caused me on/off having slight fever, even the lataction masseur couldn't clear it off 😔 told me have to clear few rounds as its been there for few days, told me to hot compress and massage need to apply pressure cannot soft touch, I tried, but it felt so sore, pain and don't really clear. Don't feel like touching it anymore, cause it's so not comfortable. And everytime calling in a lataction massage not an idea in the long run too.. Felt like giving up... Anyone were in a same situation like me?

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Hi mama, it sounds like you have a mastitis, see a GP/teledoc to get antibiotics and it should clear the problem. My bf wasn’t easy too, I’ve had a lot of mastitis (it was painful and torturing, to make it worse, I am the only caregiver in the day.) thru out my bf journey. I requested my doctor to just give me more supply of antibiotics as standby so I don’t have to see her so often and in case it happens in the MOTN (I’ve seen her twice in less than a month and I’m not working💸💸💸). I’m not encouraging you to depend on antibiotics btw, I use it when I sense it’s coming (when boobs starts hurting or burning up). Struggling with low supply, clog ducts, lack of sleep, many mastitis etc etc but I surprisingly managed to pump for 18m 😂. You can look up on mastitis (like how to prevent), for me, my mastitis occurs whenever I have mala or when I dragged my pump session because I wanted that extra few minutes of extra sleep 😓.

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11mo ago

I did have fever everytime the clog appears with pain. Usually takes 1-2 days to clear. Yes redness, with slight hotness on boobs (not the body warm temp kind). First time I tahan 4 days even massage also no use then I went to doctor. Subsequently when I sense it’s starting to harden with pain and redness I will take antibiotics (doc max give 21 tablets, so after finish have to see doctor cannot buy OTC).

I engaged Mdm Ida who’s famous for her massage- just that her massage you have to lie down on her lap; I did once, was pretty much painless compared to others I did before hers! Then I followed her recommended pumping settings. After that so far so good for 3 months now! I also take legendairy sunflower lecithin for maintenance to prevent clogging.. hope it gets better for you!

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