Toddler teaching at home

Hi! Can mummies share what do u teach your kids at home? Like apart from reading books how to encourage my child to speak and learn more? Since i didnt send my child to school, i hope to help my child build some foundation for learning. Any advice is much appreciated.#1stimemom

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my girl is gg 14months. i didnt intentionally teach her using flashcards or whatever systematically. i bought them but realised its useless 😅 i would talk to her alot (LIKE ALOT 😂) describe everything to her while doing my chores or describe her toys and colors and ask her like 'wheres your green ball' i 'teach' based on daily activities we do together🤗

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Handwriting! My sis is a pri sch teacher and she says alot of parents usually leave it to the sch to teach but it's too late. Alot of her pupils cant even hold pencils properly. Kindergartens now hardly do penmanship as much and instead focus on sensory and experiential play too much.

3y ago

Yup don't need to start writing so early. I'm a teacher too. For toddlers, do more concrete learning like counting things, comparing objects, use descriptive language like "put the yellow ball into that small bin" instead of just using nouns. It will help in their language acquisition. Can start letting ur kid hold pencils for scribbling when she's ready at ard 2+ or 3 yrs. For now sensory play is good!

Super Mum

You can buy some educational toys to teach the basics of numbers, the alphabet, phonics.If you don't mind screen time too much, this app called Khan Academy Kids is super good for teaching and also free.

I did flash card , messy painting for sensory play , pretend play


colouring games, flash cards, sing and dance along.

can also do some sensory play!