Hi mummies, Do you put your baby on the bed laid flat after theyre done with their milk or do you hold them a little upright abit or lay them a little upright for a few minutes so they wont puke out the milk back?
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I will hold baby in whatever feeding positions (usually in my arms) for at least 10mins then lay her in tummy time and she will burp (thankfully no spit ups) during day time. Night time instead of tummy time, I will burp her myself before laying her back in bed.
I will try to adjust my baby into a more upright position when she’s about to finish the milk. Then burp her after 5mins of resting in my arms.
Depending on how sleepy she is, I will place her in the bouncer/yaolan (day time)/crib(night time)
Before putting baby down, burp her first. After tt I wld usually put baby on a slight incline so tt baby doesn't choke on any spit up. Can prop baby's head with a pillow for abt half an hr
its better to hold them upright after milk for at least 15mins. or put them on bouncer at least they won't lay flat
I think you need to burp them first after finishing the milk for a few minutes.
to avoid spit up , hold them upright for 15 mins minimum.