Ogtt test

Hi mummies, my ogtt is coming up soon but my morning sickness is still here. I get nausea and puke when I don't eat. Not sure how to survive the ogtt test. Any moms with similar experience?

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I was feeling nauseous the whole time. I took declectin around 11pm the night before so that I wouldn’t feel nauseous when I woke up. I brought along a straw and asked for chilled glucose drink (if they have). Drinking the glucose with straw helped. Don’t walk around too much for the next 20-30 minutes; ideally sitting down is the best option. After which you’ll be allowed to take sips of plain water while waiting to retake blood test. Don’t overdo the drinking to prevent vomiting.

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6mo ago

hi do u take 1 or 2 pills for that? currently I'm taking 1 but still wake up to puke if never eat soon enough

I feel nauseous during my OGTT as well but try your best not to puke because if you do, you would need to retest. To be honest, I’m not sure how I do it, but my husband was with me to keep me accompany. Try to get distracted by something else so you won’t think of puking and time will pass faster while waiting.

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6mo ago

You can do it! Don’t worry so much! 💪