Contractions or Braxton Hicks?
Hi mummies, need some help here. I'm a ftm i'm unsure whether this is contractions or BH? Do assist me thank you! Oh and im 39w3d btw.

Yeah these are contractions! Call your doc/hospital for advice. I timed mine too and was irregular between 5-30mins. A different kind of pain that I’ve never felt before. It’s not even BH cause BH is nothing compared to contractions I feel. Started at 7am till evening got more intense, so I called KKH and was advised to admit myself. 1hr after admission, at 11pm my water bag broke. Phew! Lucky I was in the delivery suite already! Was in labour for quite long, cause couldn’t dilate well. When I reached 10cm, my baby was still high up even after so many rounds of pushing. So had to be sent for emergency c-sect at 10am, baby came out a healthy 3.7kg! 🥰 Good luck and all the best to you Mummy!!
Read moreLooks like contractions.. anw ur due alr. Shudnt be braxton hicks