
Hi mummies. Just need to seek some advice from u guys. Currently im 36 weeks and I will be seeing dr at my 38 weeks to check if I already dilect or not. My dr told me that its best for me to give birth by 39 weeks. By then she will asked me if i wanted to induce or wanna wait till my 40 weeks (edd) which is higher chances of getting Csect. So if by 38 weeks i already dilect, dr will still continue to arrange to induce me at around 39 weeks or just wait for the nature to works on its own? What's ur thoughts mummy? Anyone experience this same as me? Me being forgetful to asked my gynae regards to this 😌#advicepls #1stimemom #firstbaby #pregnancy

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Talk to you baby when she or he moves mention something like you are near to 38-40th weeks. it will be as comfortable to see the world. come out whenever u are ready. we are so looking forward.