Is baby hungry or just latching for comfort?

Mummies, my LO is just 8 days old and on full latched on breastfeeding. This noon my husband fed him with bottle 60ml the first hour and he’s still cranky so the husband fed him another 40ml the next hour. Is it too much? Or is my baby crying to latch for comfort??

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Super Mum

Hi mama, Baby is 2 weeks old and going through a growth spurt. This will mean that he will be fussier than normal and cluster feeding is common during this phase. He will seek comfort more as he is going through something he doesn’t know about so try to do lots of skin to skin, baby wear him whoever you can. This phase takes about 2-3 days to about a week or so to blow over and every baby goes through it. If you’d like to read more, here’s an excellent article for reference: Take care and hang in there!!!

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