Baby formula
Hi mummies, my LO is 14 months and he is drinking only 180ml (his max) and 2 meal daily. But he drank 6-7 times a day… i heard should cut down to 4 times a day by dragging time to feed. Should I remain as it is or really only up to 4 feed a day?

Hello mommy my baby is 14 months old as well, my PD suggested from 10 months itself must slowly transition from milk based to meal based food, meaning baby should have 3-4 meals a day with formula just before and during sleep only (if needed). Sometimes cutting down any formula feed or reducing the quantity will make them the following meal with less tantrums. She still doesn't eat real solid food. Instead blended or mashed form only. Formula 3 times a day (including dream feed in the night) 130ml each. Pls give finger foods once or twice in a day to encourage them to chew so that few months down the line they can eat the real solid food.
Read moreYou should discuss this with your PD. From what mine told me, babies above 1yo shouldn't be drinking so much milk but should be eating more as that's where most of their nutrients would be coming from. My baby is also 14mo and only drinks 130ml 4x a day, she eats breakfast, lunch, dinner and the occasional snacks in between.
Read moreSometimes kids dont like to have meal hence as substitute they drink a lot of FM. As long they drink atleast 3 to 5 hrs apart thats fine and in between with proper meal or snacks.
2-under-2 mummy ❤️