just needed to rant

Hi mummies I'm a young, single parent that just gave birth to my first baby boy and is receiving tons of help from my family members which i'm grateful for. However I'm just so annoyed over the fact that I have to give in to my elders with their way of raising MY child??? i mean i get it, i need guidance and advice BUT for u to 'shape' my baby into someone u want? what is with all these "u have to study and get straight As/do this/do that" mindset??? EVEN me as his mummy i'm not expecting anything and its making me damn uncomfortable. when complained to my mom she said its normal for them to be FUSSY and NOSY. tbh i only get to spend time and bond with my baby only at night. & THATS WHEN I NEED TO SLEEP???? WHEN WE ALL NEED TO SLEEP?????? in the morning-evening she'd always want to be the one changing his diapers and feeding him and basically do everything with him. i'm THANKFUL but whos the mum here? + not only that, in the first week of motherhood i was still adjusting to his sleeping patterns and is obviously super tired in the morning, yet my family member can still say "wah the mummy sleep the whole day ah like no kid to take care of" wahhh siao ah the anger in me is building up so much But i have to be 'respectful, patient' with them. im so annoyed!!!!!!!!

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I feel you. hang in there.