My gynae scheduled a weekly session when I hit 39 weeks which included a session on my EDD. (We didn’t meet because I delivered 3 days before my EDD). She advised that being 1 week late ie beyond 40 weeks is still OK but wouldn’t recommend any longer. For a peace of mind, you can always go to the delivery suite (if your hosp is KKH) and they can do a check for you but yes they will charge about $160 for monitoring you there. What happened to me was, I thought I had Braxton Hicks but the next day, I started spotting (brown stains). I went to delivery suite and they found I was 1cm dilated. I decided to just monitor myself at home and when contractions started to get consistent and particularly less than 5 mins apart, I got myself admitted.
It depends on you. I would schedule a scan to make sure baby is fine, especially when you’re already at your EDD. If you call up the hospital, they will advise you to go in when you feel contractions/lose your mucus plug or water bag break. But if you insist to go down, they will just charge you for the CTG scan, checking of dilation and etc if you are not giving birth. But at least you’ll have a peace of mind. (I did this) You can time your contractions, as soon as it gets too intense and too frequent (and last longer), can call the hospital then prepare to go down.
Hi, i suggest you go see your gynae, as for me my gynae scheduled induce a day after my EDD.. but turns out my water break on that morning, and i gave birth the next day..
Suggest to head down hosp to check since the last Gynae appt was soo long ago. Would be good to at least know the progress of ur baby even if birth is not ready yet.