Swollen breast and pain
Hi mummies! I’m in my week 14 and my breast are growing fast! So much that the sore is giving my pain and my nipples are peeling. Is there any remedy to this ?

its normal, i had the same issues as well but now that im in third trimester the peeling stops & it doesnt sore or itch that much anymore. just be sure to apply moisturisers regularly, avoid peeling and if possible not to wear bras whenever you can or change a size up.
I so feel you! I am also in my 14 weeks and my breasts are still sore & super itchy. I tried not to wear bra at home but it's so painful when my breasts touches my shirt. I think the peeling is normal? Cos I'm having them too. Guess it's the milk getting ready?
Hello! It's normal. Mine got better at week 20 when I started using cream (has to be pregnancy safe) or u can get a nipple cream. :)