Expecting another one
Hi mummies, I'm expecting another one I'm 9 weeks pregnant and first trimester. Any possibilities to know the gender by any symptoms if it's a boy or a girl? #pregnancy

no can’t tell based on symptoms. me and my friend had very polar opposite symptoms but same gender. have patience and wait for 3 more weeks to be able to test
Nope not possible based on symptoms. If you are lucky you might be able to find out the gender at week 12 or 16’s detailed scan. 😊
Symptoms may vary for each mummies. If you can't wait to know your baby's gender you can do an NIPT test.
You can try baking soda test. In my case it came true. You can give it a try. Search on YouTube
be patient dear! I'm 7 mths pregnant and doc still unable to scan bcos baby doesn't wanna show 😂
I had the same symptoms for baby 1 and 2. But both different gender
try NIPT test. it screens for Down syndrome and bonus the gender.
i saw this before.. hope it helps :)

they say putting soda in pee works!
do u hv any ultrasound pic?