Newborn formula
Hi mummies. I’m due in a few weeks or anytime now, literally. Do I need to get a formula for my newborn for standby? If yes, which brand do you recommend? #1stimemom #advicepls #bantusharing #pleasehelp

Personally I nvr thought of buying formula first prior to delivery. But my baby ended up in NICU aft I was discharged due to jaundice and the milk I expressed was not enough for him so he was mixed fed formula and bm. Hospital gave him NAN HA cz he has G6PD deficiency. So if ur baby or u or ur husband has no history of allergy, there's no need to get the formula with HA. So I guess up to u if u want to standby just in case. Or of course u can monitor first in the hospital, see if ur milk has come in and baby has sufficient wet diapers. If u think u need to supplement, can ask ur husband to buy before u're discharged. Tt's what my friend did as she did not want to waste a tin by buying before delivery.
Read moreDepends if your milk has come in. I was determined to bf my baby but sadly I had very little supply (1 mth post partum now) and my NB kept waking up every hr for milk & it drove me crazy and I was on the verge of tears. I knew my milk wasn't enough even when I followed his demand so I made my husband buy a tin of fm in the wee hrs. That literally saved my night! I'm still bfing and pumping for milk stash. The fm differs for every baby. Must trial and error the fm. My baby drank Dulac in the NICU but I changed to s26 that night.
Read moreIn my opinion, it’s good to standby formula just in case. I couldn’t latch well in the hospital which resulted the need to feed formula.. was kinda in a panic when it’s time to discharge and there isn’t any milk at home, my hub has to rush to supermarket to get it. I read from mummies group that NAN HA is good, my baby has been drinking it since birth.
Read moreYou can standby any brand of your choice but get the small tin first to see if baby will accept. It’s always trial & error with these babies. I changed formula milk almost every month (due to baby rejects or diarrhoea), and finally settling on Enfamil Lactose-free. We’ve tried Enfamil, Isomil, NAN, Similac.
Read moreNoted on that! Thanks a lot!
pls do! I didn't think I'd need it so didn't get it initially but after delivery the PD recommended to use formula cos my baby's jaundice level was on the high side and milk supply hasn't really come in. We had to scramble to buy it and ended up buying two tins at once.
Yes. I got similac when i had my first kid. just a small tin to prep in case. i think any brand is fine for the start cox u can adjust along the way to see which one suit more. just get those 400g tin is enough.
Yes you will need to get a formula to standby and if can try to buy either grow or Nature One daily cause currently i am using Nature One daily
Get the same one as what the hospital use, in the event your milk supply have not come in yet post delivery.
it will be good to get a tin as milk supply might not come in in the first week. Can get a brand you trust.
Mummy to a baby girl