Migraine headache. Pain
Hi mummies. I’m currently on my 2nd trimester. Going into week 20. Having terrible migraine attacks on and off for 2 weeks already. Any advice please? Anyone experience such migraine too? #pleasehelp

I had very bad headaches on and off during all 3 trimesters, I find it's partly because I cannot drink coffee and getting withdrawal 😅. Paracetamol should be safe to take, but you can ask your doctor first for advice. When you're having the migraine you can turn off all the lights and try to sleep it off, I find my headaches go away after a 30 minute nap.
Read moreWhen you have migraine headache, you may want to check your blood pressure.. Just make sure it is not high.. Is common for pregnant lady to have slightly lowish BP, drink more water.. If BP okay, then juts rest more and take paracetamol. If persistent and severe, you may wan to go and see doctor
We have the same problem. Currently on my 2nd trimester. I put cold compress on my forehead or nape, avoid lights as much as possinle reduce the use of mobiles and make sure to take a nap atleast 20 minutes. It really helps me.
same with me! it was so bad I fainted twice and had to hospitalised. hope you will get better soon:)
Experienced it from week 24 - 28 weeks. It was horrible. Hang in there!!
Yes is normal. You try resting more and consume plenty of water
same thing happened with me