How do you know if your baby is ok in between gynae appointments?
Hi mummies! I think it’s a really common concern but I’m only at 15 weeks now. Most first trimester symptoms have eased up and I’m worried whether the baby is doing okay in between the appointments. I know there are fetal Dopplers but they can’t detect much at this age. Do you all have any advice?

Exactly what I'm feeling right now. 13weeks plus and my next appt is in 3 weeks. I almost called to schedule an appt to see my baby cos I was so worried. Lucky my husband told me to just relax and calm down and just have positive thoughts. I'll just have to wait till my next appt 😅
I would say just take care of yourself, eat well and try not to overthink too much 😊 But if ever you feel like something is not right, do check with your gynae. Wishing you a smooth pregnancy ❤️
I felt the same! There’s no real way to tell since no baby kicks yet but try to have a positive mindset and talk to your baby:)) should be ok if you don’t have other signs!
Ah i remember at this stage i was so paranoid and worried every single say. As long as theres no severe abdominal cramping or bleeding, baby is doing fine. Dont worry too much!
just try to have more faith and pray. im paranoid everyday since i had stillbirth before. lucky i can feel baby's movement from week 18 onwards.
I made a n appointment just to have a look of my baby on the screen ☺️ 4 weeks is too long to wait!
advice is to have faith, and take good care of yourself. no sign is a good sign at this stage.