Insomnia Second Trimester

Hi mummies, I just reach second trimester and I realise that this few days Im having trouble with sleeping, I've been awake like late night, Im so tired and headache but I can't sleep. Any tips or advice that you could recommend? Thank you :')

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Go read your secondary math textbook! 🤣🤣🤣 lol for me, I close my eyes and try to remember a movie, a show or contents of a book. Oh or you can try massage your husband and ask him to massage you back... 🤣🤣🤣 you will feel chill from his massage and at the same time tired from you massaging him. 💆‍♀️ And if you were prescribed diclectin (for nausea), take it a few hours before you sleep. It has drowsy effect.

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This happened to me during second pregnancy. Whereby I had a hard time sleeping. No matter what I do I will not sleep well. Nothing much can be done unless I read ebook, watch netflix, watch youtube, play video games, tire myself by doing late night chores like folding laundry then ill sleep well. 🥹🫠

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