Hi mummies. I am feeling nervous right now. Doctor scheduled inducing labor on Monday. Can anyone tell me the procedure? Also, please send a little prayer for me. 🙏😭

I was induced on my first baby. 38w. Had contractions at home the whole night. I was 3cm dilated when I arrived at hosp. So they put a pill in, break my water bag and the wait begins. I was induced at 10am, felt contractions at 12. Very painful while waiting for the next 7 hrs to fully dilate. I finally dilated at 7pm and felt Labour pains right after. Pushed quite a fair bit and had my 3.3kg boy at 8.35pm via vbac (vaginal delivery). Bismillah sis. Selawat all the way. From today until Monday talk to baby, Allah permudahkan. In shaa Allah kheir.
Read moreBasically doc will insert a pill into ur vagina and u are free to go. I’m not sure do you need to stay in hosp to wait for labour, or go home & wait for contractions to come before gg back to hosp again. Some have contractions very fast (ie: the pill insert at 10am, contractions start 5pm, I give birth 1am). It’s very fast cos I was still 0cm dilated at 7pm . However, it differ for everyone. All the best and I’m sure everything is worth it when you see your baby
Read moreHi2! so the pill inserted in you when u are still at 0cm dilated? Doctor did mebrane sweep on me and mention i am about 1.5cm dilated. so she stretch for me to 2cm.
Some say pain some say not so pain, idk la cause tak pernah. Harap semua berjalan dgn lancar, smooth and easy delivery for you and baby yeah!! 💜 You can do it sis!!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜 Aku tak sabarrrrrrrr so please update kat ig ke ape ok 🥺 My prayers will be with you!!
Amin amin thanks efaaa. aku nervous ni!!! 😭😭😭
Salam sis. I doakn smoga segala urusan u dipermudahkn dan berjln dgn lancar dan slamat. Selawat sebyk mungkin insyallah u dgn baby slamat🤲😘
Amin Amin. thank you so much sis ❤🙏
Hi! I'm a mother of 3 and all of them are induced :) Everything will be fine okay! Semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar
Amin. thank you so much sis 🙏
May Allah swt blesses you with a perfect, smooth and easy delivery of ur baby… 😍❤️
Morning… 😊 Any update from ur induction..? ☺️ May everything goes well and perfectly smooth for you and baby.. ❤️
Just turned 40 Two beautiful kids First born boy 38wks - 12yo Second girl 35 wks - 6yo