Harmony or Igene? Or just Oscar will do?

Hi mummies, here to get some sensing from u all. Did u all just do Oscar test? Or did u all went ahead and do Harmony/Igene and skip Oscar? Between Harmony and Igene, which is recommended? My friend recommended Igene as it tests more and based in Sg. But it seems alot of expensive too. Abit more anxious as I conceived via IVF and so this bb didn't come by easily~ Will appreciate your insights! TIA! #advicepls #firstbaby #1stimemom

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IVF mommy too! I did NIPT and Oscar as Oscar covers other things not covered by NIPT. Not sure about Igene, but if OSCAR is redundant I'll be pissed with the gynae for recommending it to be done concurrently. it's nice to know your baby's gender early anyway.