Hi mummies! Any food for 9th month old baby hair growth

Foods rich in iron, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin D, zinc, and protein. For example, baby-friendly vitamin A foods include: butternut squash pumpkin carrots mango Foods rich in B vitamins include: beans meat eggs whole grains potatoes Vegetables like leafy greens are rich in iron, which helps carry blood and oxygen to the hair follicles and stimulates growth. If you’re breastfeeding, it’s important that you maintain a healthy diet, too. Your diet is essential to your baby’s growth and development. The foods you eat can also encourage hair growth. With that being said, some babies are born with a lot of hair and others are born without hair. It’s completely normal for a newborn to have no hair or to have hair loss! You might be eager for your baby’s hair to grow. If so, here are a few things you can do besides food intake. .Apply coconut oil .Brush baby sculp with a soft brush. You can also use this during bath time, with shampoo. ( pic below) .Shampoo hair/sculp regularly
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