Baby takes up so much time and energy

Hi mummies, first time mum here and baby is around 3 months old, fully breast fed. I love my baby but there are times when I feel so exhausted and I don't have time for anything else at the end of the day. My mum is helping me out but baby still refuses to take the bottle which means I have to breastfeed him every two hours or so. Any tips on how to be more efficient in caring for baby so that I can get a bit more rest and have time for other things?

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hey mummy , 3 month old is the month where baby is trying to explore .. so much energy , i still remember when my girl was around that month , every day 3am then sleep .. being a single mom is no joke , i do the laundry , i bath the baby , i change the diapers , i put her to sleep , give her milk .. being a mom is no rest .. really .. i also didn't think it would be this hard . I also think that this is the reason why , before you choose to breastfeed. there is only a slight chance that you could rest ,shower or even eat .. baby will definitely find your smell . refuse bottle even pacifier as baby is already comfortable with breast nipple and not bottle teats . i also have no rest can't wait to send my girl to school then work . that's the only time that i can finally take a break 😐😐.

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1y ago

wow, sleeping at 3am is no joke. My baby sleeps around 12am to 1am so that is still ok. it's the fussing, crying and screaming and constant feeding that makes me feel so tired sometimes. In the day, his nap time is only 20 to 30 minutes