Pregnancy Kit Faint line
Hi Mummies! Is this a Faint line? Im late for my period for at least 3days. #pleasehelp

This happened to me too. I waited for another week to test again and although it wasn’t so clear by then, it was definitely more visible than my first test. Be patient and try again in a week.
Yes , check again in 1 week for a better result . I did mine 3 times & last one was digital and confirmed pregnant ☺️
Congratulations mummy! 🥰
yes, that happens to me too. Very faint line. I went to GP for ART and PCR. Turns out ART negative, PCR positive
Very faint line dear. Check again in a week's time. Had similar experiences to you . Miscarriage twice and now waiting for my rainbow baby to pop out. Insha'Allah, Allah has a better plan for you dear. ;) I pray for you to have lil one soon . 😉
check few days later to be sure!! i waited too and used a total of 4 kits!
Best is to get digital one, more accurate.
best to test using the digital kit to be sure
you should check again the following week
looks like a positive to me
Hopefully! im hoping to get baby dust😊 ttc for 2.5years.Had a miscarriage last year dec🥺
Mommy to a rainbow baby