1 year old baby still not walking

Hi Mummies, My boy is turning 1 year old tomorrow but he is still not walking on his own. He stands up and walks with support but not on his own. Shall I be worried ? Please help me mummies 🙏 #adviceplease

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heyyy don't pressure yourself okay! my baby started her independant walk days before she turned one which is....few days ago... but she would only take a few steps. she's able to stand up herself and cruise against furniture or even when we hold both hands. tried giving two things to make her walk - she threw one toy and proceeded to sit or crawl. i was abit stressed and pressured bc of how people ard me kept telling her to walk until two nights ago i googled on this topic. in conclusion, i realised or rather i am convinced that she just needed more time to gain confidence. with that being said, every baby is different. i then realised she started to squat few days ago and now bouncing up and down while standing. so i tell myself and my husband - we need patience. she'll walk when she's ready. so yes Mama! patience is key! do not pressure or force your boy okay. he will know and will walk soon! i read that most babies on average walks between 15-18 months. i would suggest to encourage on small steps he's taking. soon he would probably practise on taking his few small steps. most importantly, give him time okay!

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11mo ago

You have written and explained so nicely mama! Thank you so much :) He is turning 1 tomorrow so I will just shower him with love and will trust his growth process

Don’t worry too much! My LO started walking at 18-19 months. She started standing up and holding the hand rails of the baby cot around 16 months. She is rather slow in her mobility compared to other LO her age but the Pediatrician said she is fine. We even went for a few sessions of Physiotherapy but was told she is fine. With more encouragement and removal of the walker, my LO can walk independently close to 22 months. Hence, do give your LO some time. Not every child develops at the same pace. If you are worried can check in with your Pediatrician but since your LO is 1 years old, he maybe still too early to walk on his own.

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11mo ago

Thank you so much for your reply. I will be patient! He turned 1 today!

My LO only started taking her first baby steps at around 14.5m. Then from there slowly taking more steps and I brought her to indoor playground…… she started brisk walking/mini runs (probably forgot she just started walking cause too excited). After that she starts walking everyday already.

My #2 same too. She is 13 months old. She can stand but need support to walk. Otherwise she dont. She is afraid to make attempts. I did share my concern upon her assessment. However, doctor mentioned it will take time. Usually between 13 to 18 months old. Subject to different kids progress.

11mo ago

Thank you for sharing and putting my mind to ease. I will be patient and trust the process

my boy 14months then able to walk. progressively.. maybe see 14months onwards she able to walk.


neither did mine... give it a couple more months? starting late isnt necessarily bad 💕

11mo ago

Thanks Dawn :)

Yes, don’t worry too much! My boy also started taking baby steps at 14.5m. :)