4th booster vaccine

Hi mummies, anyone taking 4th booster vaccine or any mummies alr took the vaccine could share yr experience? Im 22 weeks now, have mixed feelings on taking the 4th shot. 😟Though gynae encouraged to take as she said MOH has encouraged everyone to take , and told me of one patients actually hosp for a mth after getting covid which she did not take the vaccine. And then my friend told me that her friend had miscarriage after taking the vaccine 🥲🥲 please advise...

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I took the 4th booster (Pfizer) at 14 weeks after getting clearance from gynae, no side effects. Unfortunately, I still got covid 3 weeks later, but perhaps due to the booster my symptoms were mild, only sore throat and blocked nose, no fever, able to recover fully in a week. Now I am almost 24 weeks, both baby and I are doing fine.

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1y ago

Thanks for sharing! Yes it could be due to the booster. Glad to hear that you have recovered and baby is fine! Do you feel breathless? Take care Mummy!! 😊