At 10-12 Months, Is Your Baby on Track with Motor Skills?

Watching your little one explore and move around is an amazing part of their first year. As your baby approaches their 1st birthday, let's see how their motor skills are developing!
Select multiple options
Crawl confidently
Pull themselves up to stand using furniture (cruising)
Stand for a few seconds without support
Pick up small objects with a pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger)
Take a few independent steps (without holding onto furniture)
Other (tell us in the comment section)

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As your baby approaches their first birthday, it's such a joy to witness their growing mobility and exploration! Motor skill development at this age varies widely among babies, but there are some general milestones to watch for. By 10-12 months, most babies are starting to crawl or even pull themselves up to stand. Some might be cruising along furniture or taking those first wobbly steps. These are exciting signs of their increasing strength and coordination. If your baby seems a bit behind in these milestones, don't worry too much. Every child develops at their own pace. You can encourage their motor skills by providing safe spaces for them to explore, such as padded areas for crawling and sturdy furniture to hold onto while standing. Interactive toys that encourage movement and exploration can also be beneficial. Remember, each baby is unique, and if you have concerns about your baby's motor skills, it's always a good idea to discuss them with your pediatrician. They can provide personalized advice and guidance based on your child's specific needs. Enjoy these precious moments of discovery with your little one—they grow up so fast!

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slow but ok

