At one month

At one month can your baby track things with their eyes? My baby doesn’t seem to track things . Maybe sometimes and then end up just looking at one area and not follow the sound.

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At one month, babies are still developing their vision and eye coordination. It is normal for babies at this age to have limited ability to track things with their eyes consistently. Some babies may show more interest or responsiveness to visual stimuli than others. Here are some tips to help your baby develop their visual tracking skills: 1. Use contrasting colors or patterns to attract your baby's attention. 2. Hold objects or toys at different distances from your baby to encourage them to focus and track the movement. 3. Talk or make noises while moving objects around to help your baby practice following sounds with their eyes. 4. Engage your baby in face-to-face interaction to stimulate their visual tracking abilities. 5. Provide tummy time to help strengthen neck muscles, which can improve your baby's ability to move their head and eyes. Remember, every baby develops at their own pace, so don't be overly concerned if your baby is not tracking things with their eyes consistently at one month. However, if you have ongoing concerns about your baby's vision or development, it is always a good idea to consult with your pediatrician for guidance and reassurance.

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