baby is too small...

Hi moms-to-be, I recently had a check-up with my OBGYN, and they mentioned that my fetus seems to be smaller than expected for this stage of pregnancy. Needless to say, this news has left me feeling quite anxious and worried about the health and development of my baby. I can't shake off this feeling of concern. can this lead to my baby stops growing? Has anyone else experienced something similar during their pregnancy? Did your baby's size end up causing any complications or was everything okay in the end? I would really appreciate hearing from other moms who may have gone through similar situations or have any relevant experiences to share. Your insights and advice would mean a lot to me during this stressful time.

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I had this issue too. And then I had some durian to try to fatten up my baby. You can eat avocado too. My baby was born less than 3kg but almost 2 years old now and strong and healthy as a bull.

Have ur meals regularly yet a balanced diet. Dont worry so much, baby will catch up! If nt you can try eating more protein to beef up the weight

my baby was born 36+4 weeks weight 2.1kg. now she is 13 months and her weight is only 7.7kg. anyway she a girl.



