Cramps/stitch in Week 7
Hi mommies I'm new to this community and FTM:) I'm into Week 7 and have been experiencing quite constant cramp/stitch feeling especially from Week 6. Yet, I read online that such feelings should only last a few minutes. It's not painful, no bleeding. Is this a source of concern? 😢

I guess it's our uterus getting used to the new being and also stretching. No bleeding or bad crampings then should be good. I had it too then, once I was constipated and the cramps went on kinda intense, got me real worried. Then I realised I have yet to pass motion. These cramps come and go during first trimester, then it wil be roung ligament pain in second and third, then comes braxton hicks in 3rd. Heeee.. Pregnancy is so wonderful in a way. Heheheh
Read moreonly worry if it’s bleeding or very painful. don’t worry too much, stress doesn’t help w the pregnancy
thank you! im feeling more assured now:))