Jaundice advice
Hi Mommies, my baby is turning 4 weeks next week. She still have jaundice. Any advice? Went polyclinic last week, dr say 100+ . #firsttimemom #pleasehelp

You should lessen food that trigger jaundice level (try to google), bring your baby for walk under hot sun, hydrate more. If it is still the same, perhaps try to request for photolight therapy if it persistent at high level.
https://tcmwiki.com/amp/zhi-zi You can get this and use it to make water for baby shower. some also use baby safety pin and poke a hole through it and pin on the shirt. Not easy to find in TCM shops though.
Read moreare you feeding BM or FM? i was on BM and pd's advice was to keep feeding at the designated feed times. so rmbr to wake bb up regularly to feed as jaundice makes them prone to sleeping past meal times.
Give breast milk.. Mine from 180++ drop to 44 in 2 days. If low on supply, just give whatever you have. Breast milk helps baby poop and when they poop all the jaundice will help to clear.
Bring bb under hot sun & give FM for now. My LO level went down.
1st bundle of joy!!