
Hi mommies, my baby is 4 months plus , turning 5 soon . Usually she drink milk 3 to 5 hrs. 180ml to 200ml . Recently, she drinks 120 to 130ml only then she will push away the bottle or keep making the vomit sound to make me stop feeding . Is it normal?

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she should be teething. my girl use to drink alot too but around 3 month she start to drink lesser and we give her some teething tool to put in the fridge and let her bite everyday

If she is on some solid, it is normal. Or she could be teething. If she passes motion and pees as usual, nothing to worry about :)


Should be teething. My baby during this period also drop intake of milk

4y ago

Yes she is.

Maybe try to burp baby first , then continue feeding ?

VIP Member

If the output is the same, then I wouldn’t be too concern.

4y ago

U mean her s*** ?