Malay mummies, if i cant take post natal massage, where do i get the herbal things to put at forehead or things i need for mini confinement. Cuz im a ftm and also a teen mum so idk much. Need some help from malay mummies to pass some info hehe. Thanks :)

Yup go buy at those al barakah kind of shops. Might have the post natal set. Dont forget your bengkong. Have a clean healthy diet for recovery. Or you can just go sinseh and tell them you want those post natal red date drink. They will knw what to give you. How are you coping?
hi mummy. maybe you can try ask those jamu shops? i know amk central has one but not sure still there or not. and opp marsiling stn theres one jamu shop too. however, I didn't take any of those. i just took care my own confinement at home and cook my own food.
Beli dari kedai al barakah , geylang serai . Beli yg confinement set , ada pilis & jamu . Beli bengkong skali.. Leave me ur email if u need more info dik ..
kedai jamu ada. I bought mine from there too!