Baby wipes
Looking for affordable baby wipes that is moist enough and easy to pull out single handedly without the second piece being stuck inside! Currently using Einmilk 640pcs $10 but the second piece always stuck inside 🥵
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I'm using infanity PREMIUM baby wipes that can find on shopee. 1 for $4.50 but if buy 16 for $29.90 means 1 about $1.90. Downside is you have to buy 16 packets so that it is cheaper. It is those with clip not sticker closure. The wet wipes can be easily removed without getting stuck.
Read moreHuggies Pure Clean! One wet wipe is attached to another piece (in pair)
1y ago
Essential by Thomson medical milky soft baby wipes.
Hmmm so far all the wipes ive used all stick together
Thank you! At least i know it is normal then ok 😂
huggies / baeba!
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