2 month old routine

Hi! My LO is turning 2 months old in a few days. Everyday we do roughly the same routine around same timing (e.g. wake up between 6.30am - 7.15am, naps are between 1.5 - 2 hours, wake windows between 60-90 minutes, sleep between 7.30pm - 9pm). Was wondering if this is normal? Because I'm just following his cues and then adjusting a little bit to make sure he doesn't nap too much / stay awake for too long. I have been seeing a lot of differing opinions online about routines as some parents seem to actively wake their baby up (while they are still sleeping) at the same exact time every morning. Thank you for your advice! ☺️

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I just make sure that my baby drinks the minimum required amount of milk. So the naps work around that. I guess if baby is healthy and growing well, everything is ok :)

6mo ago

Okay, thank you! The required amount is around 150ml x their weight right?


sounds fine... as each baby develops uniquely, i follow their cues & adjust if need b :)

6mo ago

Okay thanks!