Drinking very less milk

My lo (6m 21d) is drinking very less milk suddenly. She use to drink about 100-120ml per feed but only drinking 50-70 per feed now even after 6hrs in the morning. Is it because of teething? Is it just a phase? She is already on the small side and very active. Currently on full formula after rejecting bm

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It's common for babies to go through phases where they drink less milk, especially when they are teething. Teething can make their gums sore, which may affect their appetite. It could also just be a temporary phase as your baby grows and changes their feeding patterns. Here are some solutions you can try: 1. Offer smaller, more frequent feeds to ensure your baby is still getting enough milk throughout the day. 2. Try offering milk in a different way, such as using a different bottle or temperature. 3. Ensure your baby is comfortable while feeding and not distracted by noise or surroundings. 4. Consider speaking to your pediatrician to rule out any underlying issues or concerns. If you notice any other unusual symptoms or your baby seems unwell, please consult with your healthcare provider for further advice and guidance. https://invl.io/cll6she

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Has she started solids? And how often is she drinking? My lo milk feed dropped significantly too after starting solids. She does not finish her milk in the morning even after sleeping for 8-9hours… Was initially very worried but PD said that some babies prefer solids and as long as she is growing well/still gaining weight, all is good. Of course I am still worried about the lack of nutrients that formula milk has so I supplement the nutrients with milk in her food. Using formula milk in pancake recipes / to mix with cereal / mix with avocado, sweet potato etc. After I drag out her milk feeds to 6hrly, she drinks the full feed now. Hope this helps! :)

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6mo ago

Started solids, every 3-4hrs, baby is gaining weight very slowly. How much is you lil one drinking per feed? Mine is 7 months old and can only finish 120ml max


hope this is a temp phase which passes quickly 🙏💕