Change school?

My lo is 2y4m old n has been attending school since last year oct(18mo), things are pretty great with her current school, the teachers are friendly n nice, centre is responsive to our queries, not too far away even though there are nearer schools. However, she has been falling sick weekly/biweekly ever since n longest she didn't fall sick was 3weeks n only once. She would attend school for a week or 2 then be home sick for 2-3 weeks 😵‍💫 n has already passed her illness to her baby brother(4mo) 5times already. This week she's home sick due to HFMD again, this is the second time, previous time was just in april. We were wondering if changing school would be a good option for her? Not too sure how she'd cope though.. Any tips on what we can do to help her cope if we were to change school? Or what can we do to help her n not change her school? #toddler #adviceplease

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