Dr Brown Bottle teat size

Hi all, my LO is 10 weeks old and is formula fed. We use Dr Brown bottle and using size 1 teat. When should we start using size 2 teat? The reco from the Dr brown is 3 months+, is it after completion of 3 months? My LO takes 45 min to finish 120 ml

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My LO is 8 weeks old and using Dr Brown size 1 teat too. From what I understand, it can be anytime from the 3rd month to 6th month plus minus but also need to see your baby drinking pattern and comfort level. ———————— This is what it is stated for Dr Brown teat: Question: What level teat should I use for my baby? Answer: While there are age recommendations listed for each of our nipple levels, there really is no right or wrong time to change your baby's nipple level. Every baby is different; some babies will be perfectly content using level one throughout their bottle-feeding days, while others are more aggressive eaters and need to advance to the next level. Your baby will let you know if and when the time comes to change levels. Below are some signs to look for from your baby. When you notice any of these signs, it usually means that the baby is not getting a fast enough flow and it is time to move up a level. Please remember, if these signs never occur then there is no need to change anything. • Baby is taking longer to finish eating. • Baby becomes fussy or irritated while eating. • Baby falls asleep during the feeding.

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7mo ago

thank you for sharing