would like to check wz mummy here.. a lot of people tell me baby can't drink plain water issit true..my girl is coming to 4 month and currently bf . when can I give her water ?

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Hi Julie! Generally, babies should not be given water until they are 6 months old. After they are 6 months they can be given small sips of water when they are thirsty. For the first 6 months, your baby has all the hydration and nutrition she needs coming from your milk. She does not need any other liquid to hydrate her or quench her thirst. Water has no nutritional value and may make her full enough not to take her milk. She needs the nutrition that comes from your breastmilk. I breastfed my 2 daughters until they were more than a year old and only gave them water to sip and play with when they would eat solid food past 6 months to help them wash down whatever they were tasting.

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