he dont love me anymore?

hello ladies.. just want to rant, please feel free to give your opinions or advices my husband said he has no interest in talking to me because i always look moody and i noticed he treats me and his close friend's wife differently...his attitude..the way he messaged her..the way he looked at her.. when i asked him about it he said because she treated him nice in the past and even now.. i got offended immediately, i broke my previous engagement just to be with him..i quarreled with my family because of this... i gave birth to his child... this is not nice? recently i have initiating to make love but he keeps telling me he have no feel.. is he just not interested in me anymore? we havent talk for more 10 sentences for the past 3 days and we have no intimancy regardless physically or emotionally.. we have been quarreling ever since the birth of baby and he has been siding with his parents.. whenever i rant to him about letting my 3 month baby watch tv or my FIL wants to poke the teat with needle..my husband never help. is he just not interested in me anymore?? or simply tired? what should i do? my mind is full of negative thoughts, that i should leave and find someone else better as this is not the marriage life i want to continue for the rest of my life.. if i can find someone else better and fill up the things my current one couldnt fulfill isnt it better?

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I’m so sorry to hear. This is infuriating. How old is ur baby? How long has this been? I have no experience in dealing with this, so I can’t claim to be an expert or know how to handle. The in laws problem also complicates issue. But if it’s me, if I have tried in having a good conversation with him over this but to no avail, I’ll take a step back and concentrate on myself, self love and self care ie to look good, feel good, and put myself in a tip top condition. If you are back to your good spirited and confident self, he probably won’t think you are “moody” anymore. The in law problem is tricky tho, and I wouldn’t know how to deal with it if the husband is not supportive :( Hugss

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