Remarks by MIL

I’ve been taking care of my child full time since birth, and MIL keep thanking me for taking care of my own child. I feel annoyed when I hear that cause it’s not like I’m a nanny taking care of her grandchild? I’m the mother, why does she need to constantly thank me? Context: When i was out from confinement and the in laws came to visit baby, MIL said to me ‘baby X is our Lee zai zai you know?’ It’s as though she’s telling me my baby is their family’s baby? I still feel so disturbed and angry whenever I think about that comment or listening to her thanking me 😫

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chill, it's probably how the older generation are brought up and she probably experienced that previously. they have the impression women help the family name to be carried on and 添丁 😁 reiterate that it's your child and your responsibility. on the bright side, it's better to have this situation where she still appreciate and thank you than some evil MIL who always blame and shame their DILs?

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