There’s no sign prior to waterbag breaking. It’s just sudden trickling of water down or a gush of water. Typically it wont be a massive gush, it will usually come in episodes. So after the first sign of breaking, you’ll definitely still have time to get to the hospital. I didn’t have loss of mucus plug or bloody show either. In fact, I did not have massive contractions either. My contractions felt like braxton hicks but it just happened a lot more frequently than usual, so I decided to get checked at the hospital
It really varies. I didn’t lose my mucus plug (maybe I did but I didn’t have any bloody show nor thick mucus) nor did my water bag break even at week 40 (overdue and induced). I was admitted for low fluid and the nurses had to manually break my waterbag. I think if you feel that your contractions are more frequent and longer, then better call up your hospital and they will advise you accordingly. Don’t wait till it gets very intense that you don’t even have the time to go hospital.
I see! Thanks for sharing your experience