Confuse when to go KKH

Im week 36 day 2. Nowadays i can feel dull pain at my back and pelvic every night. Not sure if its really contraction or BH. I dnt want to waste a trip to KKH. The pain will come and go especially at night. Still bearable but can i know.. is it time to go doc or wait. And i do notice discharge mucus like in my urine. Pls help.. #pleasehelp #1stimemom

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Contraction pain normally comes from the back, belly & vagina. Pain last every few mins so time the intervals and pain will not go away no matter what you do. BH feels like tightness in your belly but is not painful just uncomfortable and normally comes and goes so try to switch your position or you could also be dehydrated, drink water to see if the BH goes away. You may want to call kkh now to tell them what you're feeling. They will advice you what to do.

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Think you should go only when the contractions are very near or when your water bag breaks or when you see red/ pink mucus plug